Oakmere Way (6.71 miles 10.74 km ) Print

This ride uses part of the Delamere Loop and also links to Whitegate Way.
Whitegate station and car park as a starting point makes a ten mile ride and you need to arrive early for a space. The car park is big so for local riders an annual pass is well worth while as there are numerous routes from here. There is a cafe and toilets.
To see a video of the route, click here: midlifecrisis

Download:    Oakmere Way.gpx   Oakmere Way Waypoints.gpx

OAKMw01 Waypoint 1
Leave Whitefield car park through the vehicle entrance and ride straight across the road with the Mere on your right.
OAKMw02 Waypoint 2
Take the second left; [the first passes under the wires og Go Ape] and at the junction of tracks turn left.
OAKMw03 Waypoint 3
Cross the rail bridge and take the path immediately left between the rail line and the access road.
OAKMw04 Waypoint 4
This track takes you into the car park by the railway station and tea rooms. On your right before reaching the station take the path up the slope on the right between the car park and the access road.
OAKMw05 Waypoint 5
At the end of this track you need to cross the main road. The Oakmere Way starts diagonally on the opposite side of the road.
OAKMw06 Waypoint 6
The Way is well marked and takes you through two miles of sandy tracks and turf to Stoneyford Lane.
OAKMw07 Waypoint 7
Cross Stoneyford Lane into the track on the far side signed "Whitegate Way".
OAKMw08 Waypoint 8
Follow this track when it bears right away from Soneyford Lane.
OAKMw09 Waypoint 9
At the end of the track turn left onto Whitegateway. [At this point is the start of White Gate Way and part of the Delamere Loop.].
OAKMw10 Waypoint 10
At the end of Whitegateway pass under a bridge and take the bridlepath left signed Delamere Loop.
OAKMw11 Waypoint 11
At the end turn left onto Cuddington Lane, still on the Delamere Loop.
OAKMw12 Waypoint 12
At the cross roads continue straight ahead, passing the horse friendly Forest View pub onto Gallowsclough Lane.
OAKMw13 Waypoint 13
Where Gallowsclough Lane bears right, continue straight ahead on a bridleway signed Delamere Way, back into the Forest. Follow the main track back into Whitefield car park.